Phone +46 8 121 800 99, Email: viktoria.ringlander@dynava.com
Blog Post by Viktoria Ringlander
Viktoria Ringlander
Swerwegian, Fanish or ‘Scandinavian’? Do you find it hard to establish a local customer service presence on your Nordic markets?
A personal conversation is built on a mutual understanding. In the Scandinavian ...
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Viktoria Ringlander
Webinar: Automate up to 60% of the simplest chat-based contacts and free up time for personal service when it comes to more challenging inquiries
Many of today’s customers use different digital services to find the answers to simpler ...
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Viktoria Ringlander
Five global customer service trends in 2021
The pandemic has changed people’s lives so profoundly that it’s hard to think of a ...
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